Sunday, February 16, 2020

TD 1 MGT - 491 Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management Essay

TD 1 MGT - 491 Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management - Essay Example employees are made an elemental part in the operations, which is done to cultivate a working environment that promotes productivity, which is the ultimate goal. In comparison to the findings, the elemental role of strategic approach in organizations as per the module is coming up with the most practical designs that help the companies to meet their employees’ needs and at the same time promote the achievement of their business goals. Ideally, most organizations operate by following outlined strategies and to achieve them strategic human resource concepts must be integrated and balanced effectively in order to avoid conflicts and achieve the projected results. In addition, it requires advanced thinking and planning as well as the development of human capital, which is the case in many organizations (Deb, 2006). As a case example, human capital development has been made a key component to employees’ motivation and retention in SpartanNash in Michigan. Apart from being facilitators in human resource functions, the employees are strategic contributors to the company’s great success. This has been achieved by increasing and developing the value of human capital in the employees and preventing downsizing, which in turn has enabled the company to accrue distinct competitive advantages over other companies (Belasco & Horowitz,

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Mini project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mini project - Essay Example This advert has been used to inform the customers that Samsung handsets are available and that have equally better applications and features like any other latest models or even better. The display on the advert shows the Samsung hand set has more superior and modern with appealing look. This type of advertising is employed mainly for introducing a new product or service in the market. It can also be used to boost the popularity of an already existing product in the market. The consumers have to know that a certain product or service exists before they can go for it. This advertising therefore aims at creating a demand for the products and services and by extension sensitizing potential customers (Amaldoss & He, pg. 147). . A well informed customer derives satisfaction and is therefore motivated to buy a product or subscribe to a service the next time. It is through this that loyalty is created and customers are maintained. Considering the benefits of this form of advertising, it should therefore be considered an indispensable method of marketing that any business firm should embrace. Moreover, informative advertising should be made in a simple and comprehensive language that favors most customers if not all. This type of advertising is employed mainly for introducing a new product or service in the market. It can also be used to boost the popularity of an already existing product in the market. The consumers have to know that a certain product or service exists before they can go for it. This advertising therefore aims at creating a demand for the products and services and by extension sensitizing potential customers (Amaldoss & He, pg 147). More often than not customers have certain concerns about products available in the market, this can be in regard to their advantages and demerits as well as how to use these products. Very sensitive elements of a product such as prices, areas of use and why a customer needs to buy that particular product are also